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Xy'd NB info

PAUL: Look for the 2/21/04 post by Robert.

Or watch my more recent video, which rips (shreds?) 40 minutes
out of your life:

(For the software requirements and suggestions for viewing, see
http://xywrite.org/msg01482.htm )

Ah ha!  This is the very sort of thing I was looking for.  

Why not feature it in some fairly obvious way on XyWWWeb (and other Xy-sites)?

A "Common Questions & Problems" section on the XyWWWeb main page would a nice touch. If the archives are, in fact, a nearly complete record of every conceivable Xy-Problem, a link to the archives with suggested search terms could do the job. (Can the link *include* the search terms??)

After so many years with XyWrite, I don't have to consult an authoritative source very often, so I count myself lucky if I can remember "XyWWWeb" well enough to Google it. The list archives are... well... I know they're "there" somewhere, but they are several levels removed from my active knowledge.

...so I end up annoying Robert H. et al. ... Sorry, friends.
