Reply to note from TBaehr@xxxxxxxx Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:12:04 EDT -> If Xy4 auto backup is set to "on," BigBin will save the whole -> series of previous versions *every time* you save a file. The XyWWWeb U2 file has a similar facility that doesn't require an external program or any special default settings. Just issue SABat any time to capture the current state of the file to disk. (SAB stands for SAve a Backup copy.) Copies are automatically named and are filed numerically. Thus, if your original file is called MYFILE.TXT, running SAB repeatedly creates backup copies named MYFI_TXT.001, MYFI_TXT.002, and so on -- up to a maximum of 999 backups. Backups are located in the same directory as the original file (i.e., are easy to find). To make a backup copy every time you save, you'd assign both the SAve command and SAB to a key. In an abundance of caution, I'd separate the two with a WAIT command, like this: nn=BXs,a,Q2BXw,a,i,t,Q2JM2,.,s,a,b,Q2 I can't tell you how much trouble this tool has saved me over the years! -------------- Carl Distefano CLDistefano@xxxxxxxx