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Re: XyWrite orphaned

One reason the response has been benign, I think, is that for many of us
Frank's offer was both vague (what does the program do and how much is he
going to charge us for our services as beta-testers?) and useless (I don't
run any Windows programs and see no reason to begin).  Did I say
pointless too? So we didn't respond at all. It is a tribute to the
marvels of good ole XyDos itself that so much good will remains. In a
desktop full of OS/2 applications XyDos is my remaining legacy app. and
will continue to be so past the year 2000.
 Annie hopes to never write a footnote. I hope to never produce
camera-ready copy. (Well, I will probably produce a primitive newsletter
for a local SlowFood convivium, but I have what I need for that.) Perhaps
SWWin offers hope for the font concerned; not a big deal for me.


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"What would life be without arithmetic, but a scene of horrors?"
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David Auerbach              David Auerbach 
Department of Philosophy & Religion
Box 8103
Raleigh, 27695-8103