Title: RE: error with dict.splI don't if it's the same for XyWin, but if it were Xy3 or 4 I would say check to be sure the "PATH" to the XyWin directory is entered. In Win2K it's a System Properties -> Environment entry...as opposed to entering it in Autoexec.bat (or Config.sys...I forget which).
-Brian H.
-----Original Message-----
From: Emery Snyder [mailto:vze2fmxp@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 10:48 AM
To: XYWRITE@xxxxxxxx
Subject: error with dict.spl
I'm running XyWin 4.13 on a Sony laptop with Win2000, and on a Sony
desktop with Win98SE. The laptop is new, the desktop I recently wiped
and reinstalled.I reinstalled XyWin by copying the XyWin directory from my backups, as
I always had before.Now when I go to use the Microlytics dictionary (e.g. by asking it to
spellcheck a document) I get an error "file not found dict.spl".I'm loading xwstart.int with the line
LOAD C:\Xw\dict.spl;*;
whereis the function BX
and that also gives me an error "Customization file requires a file
label", which disappears if I comment out that line.I get the same error if I try to load dict.spl from the command line.
I'm rather puzzled by this behavior, as I never had this problem
before. I've used exactly the same setup on the Win98SE computer
before with no problems, and I've used XyWin on other computers with
win2000.I found nothing in the archives about this problem (but perhaps I was
searching for the wrong keywords). Any suggestions?thanks!
Emery Snyder