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Re: Was OT--Win7 and disk partitions; now using Linux

Robt wrote ≪May I suggest: Buy a desk (you need one anyway). Buy a
and some Ethernet cables. Place a Windows machine and a Linux
machine side-by-side (on the desk), and connect them with
NetBIOS/Samba so they talk to each other. Why is it always an
implied either/or? Truth is, you need two computers (minimum).≫
I can just about get by with 4 computers, a router and a switch (no wireless, for security reasons), on, under, and near my desks. Granted, I'm not your typical home user.
Time was, your Novell server was also your router--saved one piece of
equipment that way. It was Novell which pioneered the idea of
dedicated servers--servers which do one thing very efficiently. A bit
too expensive for home users though.