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Re: xy windows

>For whatever
>reason--looking through the intervening directory, or whatever--I very
>often end up at my destination window unable to dump the text I'd
copied. I
>have to then Ctr+F10 and get myself back in order. . .
> Any default settings or easy work-arounds I ought to know about?

The way I like to do this is just go directly to the window I want,
rather than cycling through windows or using the window menu. This is
achieved by having the function calls #1 through #9 as keyboard
assignments. In my keyboard file I have a table defined for F12--meaning
F12 plus another key does something. I use this table for "higher-level"
or "big-picture" functions, such as dir/EDit, SAve, STore, ABort, TYF,
QUIT. Another thing I have in that keyboard table is to go directly to
any of XyWrite's 9 windows. F12+1 goes to window 1; F12+2 goes to window
2; etc.

Another item that goes hand in hand with this is a default setting. I
d NW=0
in my startup.int. This means that whatever window I'm in, I stay in;
XyWrite doesn't open a new window when I open a file, or go back to a
previous window when I ABort or STore the file. Others like to have NW=1
so that the windows change for them. I like to think of this as "hard"
vs. "soft" window numbers--much like the differences between a "hard" and
"soft" date. With the "hard" window method, you always know where you
are, and the window numbers don't change on you.

Timothy Olson
Editorial/Technical Assistant
Tyndale House Publishers
(630) 668-8310
(630) 668-8311(FAX)