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Agreed that what I've seen of 'Net-based translators (like the
one that is or was available via AltaVista) puts them in the
Pidgin-at-best, laughable-at-worst category. Coincidentally, I
just received the following from a news list. For whatever it's



ubject: [VOICENWS] IBM Language Analysis and Translator on OS/2
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 22:44:32 -0400
From: madodel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply-To: Isaac Leung 
To: news@xxxxxxxxxxxx

From: "Isaac Leung" 

IBM Language Analysis and Translator on OS/2

IBM's Language Analysis and Translator can translate between
English and
Spanish, French, German or Italian. It can handle web pages on
the fly.
Currently in IBM's research labs, but it says it's available on
(among other platforms).

 -> URL:


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