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Re: file dating in Xy 3.54

≪ I don't think you want to upgrade to 3.56. The main
difference, I think, is the "de-hancement" to eliminate
the auto-expansion feature, in response to a lawsuit
from the company that made PRD+. ≫ --Norman Bauman

≪ There's a work-around for the autoreplace problem
in some versions of XyIII+. ≫ --Tim Baehr 

Quite so, Tim. v3.56-v3.57.

≪ You need to put the function (I believe it's AR) on
the keyboard file at space, period, question mark, comma,
semicolon, colon, return. ≫

When considering whether to autoreplace, EDITOR ignores
punctuation that's not followed by an alphanumeric.
The chars that need AR are:
	28=AR,[*ascii 13*]
and if soft return is in your kbd:
	28=AR,[*ascii 17*]
Treat func AR in xpl code that accepts kbd input the
same way you treat funcs NI and NO.

Anyone who uses a release of xyW3 that has the dating bug
and wants to stick with v3 should ask TTG for an upgrade
to v3.57. I don't think TTG will upgrade to v3.55,
func AR works fine in custom.kb3, and it sure beats
erroneous file dating. ... Ciao. 		--a

======================================= adpFisher  nyc
http://www.escape.com/~yesss/ ========================================