It's easy and *very* valuable
to have keystrokes also for:
NeXt window [F6]
cursor to command line [Shift F5; 5 on number pad with numlock off]
cursor from command line to text [Shift F5; 5 on number pad with numlock off]
MoDe Normal [Ctrl N; or Ctrl B, U, U, or I to turn off additive modes]
MoDe UnderLine [Ctrl U]
MoDe BOld [Ctrl B]
toggle expanded/regular display mode [Alt, Ctrl F8]
transpose letters [Tilde-C] (I just used ctrl-3 to change in the above line
"dispaly" to "display"
cursor to end of line [End on number pad, with numlock off]
cursor to beginning of line [Home on number pad [with numlock off]