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Re: Stack question

** Reply to message from Harry Binswanger  on Mon, 19 Jan 2004
15:32:13 -0500


> But then, even with s/g set at $D CU, I find that to unstack my
> way from 1 to 2 to 3 to ... I have to hit UP, despite it's being visually
> and conceptually DOWN.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe you ALSO swapped CU and $D in your
KBD file??? You canNOT do that! That would be crazy -- outside Stack, the Up
key would go down, and the Down key would go up. And inside Stack, it would
cancel the effect of swapping CU and $D in S/G 621, a kind of "double negative"
effect -- you'd be back where you started, with Up=Up and Down=Down.

I hope other readers are ignoring this discussion, because it is very
confusing, and also very irrelevant to them.

Robert Holmgren