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Re: Saving Keystrokes

Jim Eberle wrote:

>  Any ideas how I can save a few keystrokes by using what's already in
>  the Find string in the subsequent Search string?

Since attaching files to messages seems to be the thing to do on this
mailing list (a practice frowned at on others), I attach the (very short)
file PWRSRCH.PM. This is a very nifty program that works like this: when
you run it with no file open, it prompts you to enter a search string and
then combs the files in the current directory for that string. When found,
you can, as in a regular "across files" search, open the file or continue
searching. When you open a file, all you have to do is run the program
again and this time it will put your search string on the command line in
a format ready for searching within the file. You also get the option of
entering a new search string. I have assigned this program to a key and
use it (with Xy4 for DOS) all the time. I am not the author, and
unfortunately cannot even give credit where it's due, because there is no
notice in the program (which I've had for many years now, so it is rooted
in Xy 3 days). I think it originally came from a package called Power
something or other. Maybe others on this list have more accurate info.

Attachment: Pwrsrch.pm
Description: Binary data

Wolfgang Bechstein