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Re: Civics (was Re: RE XP or 2000)

Alas, too true, Bob White. Grammar had gone long before. From 1953 to
1958, when I was in High School and first year of college, I sat, as near
to bored as I've ever been, for the first two weeks of every foreign
language course I took (Latin, French, and German), while the
teacher/instructor explained to my classmates (who had never heard of any
of it) the parts of speech and the basic principles of Indo-European
grammar. I often say I'm the last person alive to have learned grammar in
grammar school. And as for some of the people who are calling themselves
copy editors nowadays... Don't get me started.
Where did you go to school? In Richmond, VA, we were introduced to the
parts of speech in the 7th grade (1955). Grammar was part of our English
classes throughout junior high and into some high school.

Harry Binswanger