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Re: U2 v 120

Reply to note from Paul Breeze  Fri, 12
Dec 2014 19:16:21 +0000


> Further to the below, I have found that in my case the use of
> JM 2.XyWebU2.intQ2 ;*; is location sensitive. When I first put
> it in Startup.int it was after I loaded my keyboard and after
> XY4 had loaded, the keyboard file was on screen. Moving the
> keyboard file later fixed this. However I then found that the
> number of lines I had on screen were severely curtailed. That
> was fixed by moving the loading of XYWWWEB.U2 and JM
> 2.XyWebU2.intQ2 ;*; virtually to the top of Startup.int. Only
> the Microlytics dictionary settings Default DR and Func NC now
> preceed it.

That's puzzling behavior, especially the bit about the screen being
curtailed. However, I see now that my instructions in README.1ST
were incomplete. In STARTUP.INT, the line "JM 2.XyWebU2.intQ2 ;*; "
should be located after both the line that loads your KBD file *and*
the line that loads U2. XyWebU2.int is meant to interact with the
keyboard file once and only once: the first time you start XyWrite
after adding that line to STARTUP.INT. That one time, it makes a
modification to the KBD file (after backing it up) to enable command
Stacking. After that mod is in place, XyWebU2.int should never CAll
the KBD file again.

I suggest trying again, making sure that the call to XyWebU2.int is
positioned in STARTUP.INT as stated above. If it continues to
malfunction, just delete (or ;*; comment out) the line from
STARTUP.INT. I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know if it doesn't
work, so that I can try to figure out why.

Also, note that the calls to AutoHotKey routines in XyWebU2.int may
not work under vDosXy. If you get AutoHotKey-related errors, try
swapping in the attached update to frame XyWebU2.int. In fact, you
may as well use the update in any event. In XyWrite, CAll
XYWEBU2.FRM, DeFine the entire file, and command: ADD2U2.

You feedback is much appreciated, Paul.

Carl Distefano

Attachment: XYWEBU2.FRM
Description: Binary data