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Re: stripmd


Thanks for your response; sorry for missing the upgrade.


Robert Holmgren wrote:

** Reply to message from "Martin J. Osborne" on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 11:22:39 -0400 Martin: I couldn't understand your msg, so referred back to yr two original msgs of February 2005. I retested all examples cited by you, and substituted arbitrary numeric MoDes for your theoretical "xx" and "yy" MoDes:
aaa bbb is converted to aaa bbb But I really want that space to be in ... I see also that stripmd converts «MD114»$«MD117»x«MD114»$«MDNM» to «MD114»$x$«MDNM» and converts «MD114»$«MD11»x«MD114»$«MDNM» to «MD114»$x$«MDNM» but preserves «MD114»$«MD17»x«MD114»$«MDNM»
I ran the current STRIPMD (version of 9/3/2006, contained in latest 9/15/2006 refresh of U2 v119) against these examples. All were handled correctly. None of the erroneous conversions that you cite above took place. Indeed, the only MoDe stripped in your examples was the second, redundant , which is proper: prevails at that point in your "text". Please update your version of U2. U2 is designed to be upgradeable by simply overwriting an old U2 (and INF "Help" file) with a newer one. What could be easier? In response to user pleas several years ago, I began posting a summary of changes to U2 whenever we issue a new version or a refresh -- indeed, my post of Sept 15 last mentions enhancements to STRIPMD. But this summary should not be considered to be comprehensive; Carl and I change and fix constantly. It is wise to always upgrade, regardless of whether you judge the summarized changes to be important to your work. Otherwise we end up here, wasting time. ----------------------------- Robert Holmgren holmgren@xxxxxxxx -----------------------------
-- Martin J. Osborne Department of Economics 150 St. George Street University of Toronto Toronto M5S 3G7 Canada http://www.economics.utoronto.ca martin.osborne@xxxxxxxx http://www.economics.utoronto.ca/osborne +1 416-978-5094 Have you seen http://econtheory.org