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Re: logon with XY 3.58

Reply to note from Leslie Bialler  Wed, 18 Aug
2004 10:22:39 -0400

> [LOGON] probably works as in XY4. You need to create a file called
> LOG, and as I remember give it an extension that matches the
> three-letter login you want to use.

Nope, no cigar. You need to create, in the directory with
EDITOR.EXE, an empty file called [name].LOG, substituting for [name]
your desired username (8 chars max, of course). The .LOG extension
is mandatory. Then, in STARTUP.INT, add the following line at or
near the top of the file:

BC login [name]

or, in Xy4+:

BX login [name]Q2 ;*;

where [name] is the .LOG filename. Quit and restart Xy. You will
no longer be prompted to log in.

Here's the interesting part: [name].LOG need NOT be empty. It can
have content: any legal XPL code, just like STARTUP.INT. In fact,
what LOGIN [name] (or LOGON [name]) does is to RUN [name].LOG.
This makes it easier for multiple users to share a single XyWrite
workstation, each with his own keyboard, save/gets, default
settings, etc. Suppose that MARY.LOG contains the following lines

BX load [d:\path\]mary.kbdQ2 ;*;
BX ldsgt [d:\path\]mary.sgtQ2 ;*;
BX copy/nv [d:\path\]mary.set [d:\path\]settings.dflQ2 ;*;
BX load [d:\path\]settings.dflQ2 ;*;
BX load [d:\path\]mary.u2Q2 ;*;

When Mary logs in (LOGIN MARY), Editor RUNs those commands, enabling
Mary's customizations. Think of .LOG as a personalized STARTUP.INT
that doesn't require quitting and restarting XyWrite. It's a useful
feature, not a gimmick.

One other thing: For password-protected logins, embed the password
in a LaBel () at the top (or bottom) of the .LOG file.
Then, to log in, Mary will have to issue LOGIN MARY password, or
type the (case-sensitive) password in response to LOGIN's PRompt.
No real security there, but that's how it works.

Carl Distefano