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Re: Beginner .kbd syntax question

Reply to note from "Jon P"  (Redacted
sender "xywrite4" for DMARC) Sun, 3 Apr 2016 18:01:22 +0000 (UTC)


> ... =DZ,BX,(,S,A,D,/,N,V, ,L,P,T,4,) ... has no effect when
> assigned to CTRL-c (key 46). I wonder if Windows 10 is doing
> something peculiar with that key.

Could be. Does it help to prepend func NI?

46=NIDZBXs,a,d,/,n,v, ,l,p,t,4,Q2

I'm also using BX...Q2 instead of BX(), but in theory that shouldn't
make a difference.

Carl Distefano