Title: Re[4]: Not able to restore session from menuHi Carl,
Thanks Fred, and Carl. I do have XyWWWeb.U2 installed. I hadn't run across savesess, and if it works, that will be fine with me. Is there a corresponding restoresess command? I am still a little curious about why the menu option doesn't work, but if there's an easy work around, I'm happy.
Tuesday, Tuesday, June 14, 2011, you wrote:
CD> Quoting Fred Weiner ≪/span>mailto:fw1948@xxxxxxxx
Just to jump in here, would the SAVESESS
routine be helpful? FW.
CD> It wouldn't answer Jonathan's question, which is how to debug the
CD> menu-driven Log/Resume. SAVESESS is, of course, an alternative (and, I
CD> would argue, a superior alternative), but it requires loading
CD> XyWWWeb.U2, which I'm not sure he's aware of, wants, or needs.