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Re: hard numbers for fn

Phillip P. Ferreira wrote:
> I have recently been asked to submit an electronic version of a book
> manuscript in which all footnotes are done manually (i.e. no automatic
> footnote numbering).
> This means I must individually type in numbers for five-hundred
> plus footnotes. Does anyone out there have an XPL rountine that searches
> out  inserts a number, stores that number, moves on to the next 
> and then adds plus one. If you could share this with me (or give me
> quick and dirty instructions on constructing my own routine) it would be
> greatly appreciated.

There are many ways to do this. Please let me know how much XPL you
know, so I can tailor my comments to your level of expertise, or lack
thereof. In brief, let me say this will involve defining the footnote,
moving it to a separate file in an alternate window, and returning to
the main window and inserting the value of 1 (or wherever you wish to
start) and then doing a loop and inserting the value of the next higher

> Also, I have been asked to eliminate all formatting codes **except**
> character modes (italic, underline, etc.) It's my recollection that
> strip.prn gets rid of everything (including character modes). Is there
> anyway to instruct strip.prn to leave this information in place? Again,
> any advice would be welcome.
Simplicity itself: In expanded mode: search for all the character modes,
temporarily replace them with nonalphanumeric ASCII characters. MDUL
could become ASCII 1, say, MDBO ASCII 2, and MDSU ASCII 3, etc. etc.
Then replace mdLL with nothing (LL= two "wild letter"s), then re-replace
your ASCIIs with the real deal.

Hope this helps.


Leslie Bialler
Columbia University Press