-----Original Message----- From: Patricia M. Godfrey > it suddenly occurs to me that perhaps Bry could save himself a lot of work by just giving us the formatted > (you are using Use Styles, no?) Xy files. I hadn't thought of such a thing either, but: 1. I don't know what Use Styles is, and I'm pretty sure I'm not accidentally using it. 2. I'm just using Xy as an ASCII re-formatter. I don't actually (ever) use Xy's built-in format abilities. 3. Take a look at the text I'm creating (see attached). If it's re-usable for other outputs...I'll post the files when everything's done (heck, I'll post'em anyway...you never know what use might be made of the files). -BHAttachment: CustComm_ASCII.zip
Description: CustComm_ASCII.zip