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Re: RE Thesaurus won't work

** Reply to message from Carl Distefano  on Sun, 04 Dec 2005
22:09:54 -0500

>> You just need to synchronize it.

> Maybe I misunderstood what Paul was saying. I thought he said that
> toggling NumLock unsticks the _standalone_ cursor keys, i.e., the
> dedicated cursor keys to the left of the numeric keypad. One
> shouldn't affect the other; that's why I started to think in terms
> of malfunctioning hardware. Perhaps Paul will clarify...

True, that's what he said, in his followup msg. Therefore, it may not (but
still may) be a synchronization issue per se. However, if pushing the NumLock
fixes it, then my solution "pushes" the NumLock (virtually) and should fix it
too, with the difference that _he_ doesn't have to push the NumLock -- it gets
"pushed" hands-off. It's worth trying. This is nothing new; Lisa Kleinholz
was the first person to come up with this push-the-NumLock solution for the
thesaurus, several years ago
(http://p70-144.acedsl.com/xywrite/2003/msg02296.htm). Many people referred to
her fix subsequently. XySearch.

I have something similar on a Dell laptop, where to get the cursor keys to move
I sometimes must hold down the Ctrl key! Is that malfunctioning hardware, a
bad keyboard controller, buggy BIOS instruction, sticky keys, or what? All I
know is that I detest that particular laptop.

Robert Holmgren