Kari, I've been assuming a Windows wysiwyg display & printing, not a retro/skeuomorphic
DOS display. Time will tell. First let's see if we can surmount the financial hurdle.
Carl Distefano
On Nov 12, 2018, at 4:02 AM, Kari Eveli lexitec@xxxxxxxx wrote:
As the Xy3 "printer files" are actually the glue between the screen
presentation and the formatting codes (and ultimately the printer
instructions), I think some implementation of Xy3-like printer/screen
tables is necessary to achieve basic Xy3 compatibility. Xy3 or Xy4 XPL
syntax is not a dealbreaker.
Best regards,
Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)
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As for printing, I wouldn't hold out much hope for backward compatibility with either
Xy4 or Xy3 printer files, if the program will indeed integrate with Windows printing
facilities, as it should.