** Reply to message from Patricia M Godfreyon Fri, 10 Dec 2004 15:43:29 -0500 > I had to download the latest Ghostscript, and then tell > gsview where to look for a dll, but after that it worked > beautifully. So its come to that, aye? Programs that won't even work until you install them! Damn. > I'm kicking myself for having tossed an > old app that converted TTF to Postcript fonts http://www.columbia.edu/~em36/wpdos/ttf2pt1.exe Your sample font printout is a keeper! Here's a PDF (attached -- generated with Xy2PDF, of course), with high- order chars added to your list, which will show people who don't yet have Ghostscript what's available with POSTGHST.PRN -- can open in Acrobat Reader, of course, which I assume everybody has (there are a few fonts I skipped in the PDF, such as HERSHEY and SHELLEY [they suck], and a few others that I didn't include in the PRN; you can see the entire list in FONTS.DIR, in the \GS\FONTS directory of the Ghostscript installation -- command "T1310 " to regularize the carriage returns for XyWrite). Of course, you can add other fonts to the PRN, if you are adept at setting a PRN up. There are some handy facilities for doing that in U2, such as PF2AFM (Generate AFM Font Metrics file from PFA|PFB Postscript Font), POSTWIDTH (Generate XyWrite PRiNter Tables from Postscript AFM files), and PWDIR (Generate WiDth Tables (via POSTWIDTH) for DIRectory of *.AFM). When we get around to releasing the next U2, I'll beef up PostGhost a bit, so that it accepts an input filespec. Right now it only displays the open file in the current window. Try TYP out too. In general, I have no need (or desire) to look at a graphical display of my file, nor to select a printer -- I just want the piece of paper, thanks. TYP prints hands-off -- boom. I promised to port TYP to Xy3. That simply entailed drudging through the program statement by statement and reducing it to kindergarten code; and it is done. Only then did I realize, oof, that I need a Xy3-level PS PRiNter file too. I'd managed to completely blot out of my memory things like "PT=#" commands. Oy! Primitive stuff. Luckily, I long ago wrote facilities (in U2) that will generate PS WiDth tables and the like; but making a PRN from scratch, fifteen years after I made my last Xy3 driver, is neither trivial nor particular fun. The first version PRN may only support a few fonts -- maybe a Courier, a Times, and an Helvetica (one or two each of fixed pitch, serif, and sans); and it may take awhile to cough even that up. ----------------------------- Robert Holmgren holmgren@xxxxxxxx ----------------------------- Attachment: POSTGHST.PDF
Description: Binary data