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Re: Clearsgts

Reply to note from Harry Binswanger  Thu, 02 Dec
2004 19:41:17 -0500

> I can tolerate 6 miliseconds (or 6 millseconds, for those who,
> unlike Patrician and me, delight in catching typos)

You save a millisecond by leaving out a letter. Evidently you
realized that. And is that supposed to be "Patrician me", or
"Patricia 'n' me", or what?

> What's wrong with:
> JM 2.clearsgtsQ2

Nothing wrong with it. We were just remarking its stateliness
relative to the other methods. My CountUp S/G remover does 100
iterations of your 44-S/G removal operations in .6 seconds on my
machine. Clearsgts takes 3.9 seconds -- six and a half times as
slow. That's all. That comes down to about .04 or 1/25th of a
second for a single iteration with Clearsgts. Dunno 'bout you, but
I ain't got that kinda time. Gotta run....

Carl Distefano