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RE: search/replace program

Reply to notes from Bill Troop  Sat, 30 Mar 2002
23:10:12 -0500

BT> Yes, but there is always the possibility that when switching
BT> from italic to roman or vice versa, something unpleasant will
BT> happen with the spacing. This has been a particularly glaring
BT> problem with WordPerfect.

TB> There are ways to put microspacing between characters in
TB> XyWrite if you're using Speedo fonts and an HP-compatible
TB> printer with its page description language. Problem is, it
TB> messes up the justification.

I've occasionally encountered that problem in WordPerfect. But WP's
scripting language has a useful function, KerningSpacing(), which
gives direct access to its "manual kerning" (microspacing) facility.
Using it, I created a microspacing command. To add, say, seventeen-
thousandths of an inch between two chars, I issue KN 17, and it's
done. That's the kind of facility we need, but will never have, in
Xy. I don't think NBWin has it, either.

Carl Distefano