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Re: From the KBD file: What is this ?

Reply to note from "J. R. Fox"  Fri, 02 Nov 2001
15:50:20 -0800

> I should also mention that after I zap the border with func BT,
> it leaves a minor anomaly in that subsequently called files
> will display with an unuseable (probably illusory) blank line
> at TOF, which situation continues until Xy is quit and
> restarted. A display bug, most likely.

Func BT, by design, simply replaces a visible window border with an
invisible one (or vice versa). The window *dimensions*, however,
remain the same. That's the source of the unusable blank line
you're seeing at top of screen. (No need to quit and reload Xy; a
simple RS command will do). The way around this annoyance is to use
not BT but DX,SW,f,DO (Xy4) or MW,w,f (XyWin), which restores full-
screen window dimensions, removing the border in the process.

Another way around a lingering border is to abort the file in the
bordered window with AB+ or AB, both of which
remove the window after ABorting the file. (AB, a recent
addition, requires the latest version of U2, or close to it.)

Carl Distefano