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Turn Auto Replace off; SaveAs; VA file

Richard Boomgaarden wanted to know how to turn off Auto Replace
(and not just toggle it):
≪if≪va$ar≫==1≫AZ ≪ei≫≪ex≫
This will toggle off Auto Replace, but only if it is "on".
≪if≪va$ac≫==1≫AC ≪ei≫≪ex≫
This will toggle off Auto Check, but only if it is "on".
≪if≪va$ar≫==1≫AZ ≪ei≫≪if≪va$ac≫==1≫AC ≪ei≫≪ex≫
The ≪ and ≫ are the chevrons; AZ and AC are function calls that
are put into a program file by typing 'pfun az' and 'pfun ac' on
the command line, respectively. These bits of code can be
incorporated into XPL programs or loaded onto keys. You can also
save the state of a key to a save/get and restore it later.

Richard also wondered about the two-step process in SaveAs to a
different format. The process uses Master Soft filters, which
require two steps: from
XyWrite to an intermediate format, from the intermediate format
to the destination format. The intermediate format allows Master
Soft in its commercial product to provide many format pairings
without the overhead of programming every possible pair as a
separate item.

Re the VA files, I'm still waiting for permission from TTG to share them.
 When I get permission, I'll try to figure out a way to transmit them in
ASCII, without resort to binary files or encoding. If I fail,
I'll send a separate copy as an attachment to anyone on AOL.

Tim Baehr