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CLIP not working for me

This is for Robert or Carl.

I followed the directions with care, but CLIP.PM (OS/2 version)
in the jumbo U2 doesn't seem to be working. On Send To
Clipboard, it gives an encouraging message at the Prompt Line,
but the defined text never gets there. On Paste From Clipboard,
the counter increments forever, and half an hour later it is
still going around and around -- but nothing is transferred. I
just checked, and


*is* in my Path statement. The Bootdrive variables in .U2 have
been set.

There was some _other_ .U2 routine where a counter would keep
incrementing forever, with nothing else happening, and I had to
kill Xy from the TaskList to get out. I should have made note of
which routine, in order to call it to your attention, but never
did so.
