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Re: XYWRITE digest 1191

My father has been successfully driving an HP DJ-840C (probably not one of the
most current models in the line) with Xy-3 and (an unmodified) Xy-3 driver for
the DJ-500 series. I have done the same at that location with Xy-4 and a
4-series driver for the HP-DJ, which is circa at least a couple years later. I
can find out the specific driver names for you easily enough. While I'm sure
these Xy-drivers could be adjusted for better results with the later DeskJets -- given a good HP reference containing the relevant control codes -- the results in
both these cases were pretty good. We only noted one anomaly: an extra page
printing at the end of each print job, which consisted of just one brief line of PCL gobbledygook in the upper left corner. I believe an explanation & cure for this anomaly has been mentioned here more than once in the past, though I have no
record of it.

I have always gotten that extra page of gobbledygook as well. I just
disregarded it and tossed the page. Extra paper costs but I haven't been
able to solve it.


Bill Mallon