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Re: converting counters

Avrom Fischer wrote:
Is there anyway when viewing that document in another format such as notepad or word perfect to view
the number generated rather than the code for the counter without converting the document using a
program such as word for word or the filters that came with Xywrite.
There was a utility called Hardcode that converted the counters to their actual numbers. Some people have reported problems with it, but I've used it successfully. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have a copy on this system. It you want to try it, I can dig though my backup CDs. It does, of course, actaully hard code the counters, so if you then move the paragraphs around, the numbers won't change. So running it should be the last step before exporting for the last time.
Also is there anyway to get the counters to generate either letters of the alphabet or roman
numerals instead of Arabic numbers.
Sure. Use the Define Counter command. I'm assuming you don't have access to the Command Reference Guide (if you do, it's on pp 4: 100-101). At the Command Line issue DC 1=I to make your top-level counter roman numerals. DC 2=A makes the second level capital letters. DC 3=i makes level 3 lowercase roman numerals. Or you can use this (my favorite) to get the legal and tech style of decimal counters: DC 1= (for however many levels you want). Here are the commands and their results:
b-gin [UNTITLED]

Patricia M. Godfrey
Avrom S. Fischer