Attached is a color chart for those who have dispensed with the Help file and the installation diskettes. There are some other little tricks, too, such as setting DD to 16 so that the color of the selected text relates to the color of unselected text. Here are some colors to try for the menus, if you use them, and for the text modes. These lines would go in your SETTINGS.DFL file, after any other settings (SETTINGS.DFL uses the last setting it finds). L0=113,79,116,121 L1=71,31,78,29 L2=113,113,121,116,78 L3=19,33,27,26 L4=113,79,116,120,71 DF BX=31,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,32,30,23,240 DF CR=0,199,102,3 DF DD=16 DF PK=23 MD NM=23 MD BO=31 MD UL=20 MD BU=28 MD IT=18 MD BI=26 MD RV=120 MD BR=121 MD SU=19 MD SD=22 Enjoy! Tim Baehr tbaehr@xxxxxxxxAttachment: COLORS
Description: Binary data