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Re: New program: LFN Utilities for Win32

Robert Holmgren wrote:

LFN Utilities --- ---------
With this message in the current window, and cursor at top of file, command (once only!): DECODE
After I did so, there remained some "{>>}" strings in the file. (I manually replaced them with ASCII 175's.)
the first of the double curly braces "{{"). CoPy the DeFined block
Do you mean MoVe?
We also need to do two housekeeping chores -- the locations of two frames in U2 must be changed:
se/f |{{5ch*,ci*,cv*,se*}}| and CoPy the dir*,find* frame to a location just in front of
Again---do you mean MoVe? Because you soon write:
{{5Callup*}}. Move it also to a location just in front of
An initial test: Under my setup (W98SE, XyDOS 4.018), ca longfilename.txt works perfectly, but new longfilename.txt produces the mysterious message "new file not found: longfilename.txt". -- Martin J. Osborne Department of Economics 150 St. George Street University of Toronto Toronto M5S 3G7 Canada http://www.economics.utoronto.ca martin.osborne@xxxxxxxx http://www.economics.utoronto.ca/osborne