Where in the world dd you lay hands on a NorthgateOmnikey?
I have worn at least two out and can no longer find a replacement.
--Bob Kubie
At 04:23 PM 8/26/2004, you wrote:
dear leslie etal,
Yes machine is a P4, 2.65 with 512 memory running xp home.
I also use xywrite on old 356 gateway where I can boot directly to Xy or
access it through win98.
I mostly ue it now for ascii files I email to magazines.
Starte using it on a kaypro 86 which was fed into atex mainframe. it's
been the best word processor i've ever used. Been through a couple of
keyboards, the latest is a northgate omnikey with the function buttons
where they are supposed to be.
xywrite forever.