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Re: XyWin 4.12

If anyone from TTG is reading, this seems like an excellent way
not to survive. I have been using XYWRITE since v. 1, have never
received a mailing, was never notified about the existence of
XYWIN, and would never have known about the current (or pending?)
upgrade if it were not for the rumors on this list. It now looks
as though this is the norm. There are apparently a lot of people
who want to know what wares you are selling, and practically no
way to find out.

You have left a number of users wondering if you are stuck as what
Doug Beeson calls a "niche product." You have had any number of
opportunities to let us know what your long-range plans are, and
how you plan to extend the functionality of the program, but you
have not taken advantage of all this free word-of-mouth.

What's the point?

-- Nathan Sivin
History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA 19104-3325