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Re: TTG marketing woes

I'm really not going to continue this thread much longer but I have to
protest that Paul misses my main point:

> WinWord has two draft modes: one uses the system font, the
> other uses the selected (e.g., True type) font. With the latter choice, you
> can change the "zoom" and make the text appear as large as you like. With
> AmiPro and Winword, you can write a simple macro (and assign it to a
> keystroke) to change the zoom when you toggle between draft and graphic
> modes. Because WinWord allows you to configure a different keyboard for
> every template, you can write macros that toggle different zoom levels and
> assign them to the same keystroke.

Yes, you can play all those games, but it's still that miserable black on
white, shimmering screen, with the lousy kerning (more space between
letters than words sometimes). You go blind looking at that 10-12 hours a
day. In contrast to--what I have now even in my email reader (Pegasus
for DOS, thank you)--well-proportioned white on blue letters, monospaced,
comfortable line length, etc., I can work with it all day long and not get
headaches. No Windows program gives you that. If one did, I think it
would find an eager market of, yes, people who have to pay close attention
to the content of writing, and also want to be able to run several
programs concurrently, transfer data back and forth, and all that.

--Chuck Creesy
Princeton University Press
609-258-5745  Fax: 609-258-6305