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Re: Windows 7, again

Well, waste no time trying to get full screen, because that will never
happen. But it should be possible to stretch the window to any size.
Playing with the various property boxes, is it not possible to do this? I
would be interested to know how to create the problem.

At 05/11/2013 02:16, you wrote:
I was back where the laptop currently is this afternoon, and made the attached snapshot.  There seems to be no setting in the program or shortcut Properties that can fix this.  The error message is "Video Device Failed to Initialize Fullscreen."  That applies to ALT-ENTER, or any other method known to me.  Similarly, the window cannot be stretched in any direction. 

(As I said -- a 3 x 5 card.  If this image is not detailed enough, I also have a TIFF version, though it's quite a bit larger.)

My recollection is that Harry or some other member(s) of the List have posted in the past about encountering hardware / OS circumstances in which Xy could *only* be run as a window.  Probably not limited to being a window _this_ small, but that may be another story.


From: Bill Troop
To: xywrite@xxxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2013 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: Windows 7, again

Hi Jordan, I too installed on a 17-inch laptop - - a Dell. But the error message sounds like it thought you were trying to go full screen, while you thought you were just trying to enlarge the screen. I would think the cure lies in the shortcut box. This is probably the kind of problem where you should be working with someone who can take over your screen. Speaking of which I have been using Chrome Remote Desktop with some success, even going from Win to Mac successfully (until recently when a bug, now, we all hope fixed, inverted the Mac screens).

At 03/11/2013 16:38, you wrote:
What I don't know is the extent to which this may be hardware specific.  I was trying to accomplish this on a Lenovo T-530 laptop.  (A 17" screen, I think.  I don't have it here at the moment, having reached a pause point in setting it up for others.)  If your usage was on a desktop rig, we could have an apples & oranges situation here.  That could apply even for another laptop: we'd have to compare the video hardware components.  But, if your differing results had anything to do with some config tricks I did not know, I would be eager to learn them.  I kept running into an error along the lines of "Cannot virtualize full-screen" whenever I tried to enlarge Xy beyond that 3 x 5 card size.


From: Bill Troop
To: xywrite@xxxxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, November 2, 2013 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: Windows 7, again
Using Win 7-64, I have been running Xywrite under XP in XP Mode and have never had any problems with it. The screen size and screen font are as customizable as they are under XP. I did not have the unfortunate experiences that Jordan did. However, I would much rather use Virtual Box because (a) your Win 7 environment would be easy to bring into Win 8.1 if or when I needed to and (b) because I could easily run MacOS under VirtualBox at the same time. You can't run both XP Mode and Virtual Box at the same time. All of that said, I have yet to get XP or W2K or any other Windows working in VB on Win 7 yet. Maybe I'm trying to do something too difficult, like getting Win 3.1 to work - - on Kari's advice that it is probably the best way to get XyWrite running.