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XY-> Carl Distefano:

XY-> I've posted an improved/corrected/enhanced
XPL-to-pseudo-code utility.
 -> To avoid confusion with an older routine, I've given it a new name:
 -> FAUXCODE.PM. It appears on the TTG BBS (410-576-8806; N,8,1) as an
 -> enclosure to public message #10625.

All that brilliant XPL and he says "10625." Honestly. It's

XY-> Chet says:

XY-> >> The only possible problem with Carl's XPL is that it works on
 -> >> *all* uppercase letters, so there's the chance that text
 -> >> descriptions in caps could become a function call.

XY-> I seriously doubt that's the only possible problem!  However, I do
 -> point out in the documentation that manual editing usually will be
 -> required. (Actually, as originally written, the function-call restore

Agreed, and it's always better to double-check anything
automatically handled, but the idea behind it is to make it as
easy as possible for anyone--whether familiar with XPL or not--to
decode an XPL. So whereas you presently have the situation that
both "VAR " and "AR " result in function AR, you might want to
consider a separator before the function two-character plus space

XY-> Chet asks:

XY-> >> Carl, are you going to provide a Xy 3+ version too?

XY-> Let's get this version stable first. Then we'll see.... Is there much
 -> demand for a III+ version? Bear in mind that the current one, though
 -> it runs only under Xy4/XyWin, will convert III+ code. While I'm at it,

It's my own sneaky way of getting you to write "about" Xy 4
XPL. I'm rooted in 3+ and documentation for 4 is weak at best;
seeing parallel programming in both versions is a great way to
learn. :)

 -> let me say that I'm eager for feedback on operation under XyWin. It
 -> wouldn't surprise me if it crashed -- CHange commands being highly
 -> erratic in XPL running under XyWin.

It doesn't take a lot of effort to crash Xywin, but I'll see if
faux helps.

 ? SLMR 2.1a ? Art + write + dtp = chet.gottfried@xxxxxxxx