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Re: International keyboard layouts - solved

>This is what I use it for, to support old Clipper programs for example. Anyway,
>it works in my other environments without the /9 switch you mentioned, I simply
>forgot to put the /9 switch. I am curious, why is /9 switch required? I tried to look
>at the posts at the vDos forum without quite understanding how this came about.
>Is it part of all vDos variants, or just vDosXy?

The /9 switch is required in vDosXy, not in any other variant of vDos that I know about, because (as
far as I know) only vDosXy allows a program to manage the keyboard through the DOS hardware
interrupt 9.

This is exactly what I said in my original message, which refers twice to ’vDosXy"
because the message was about vDosXy and not about anything else.

That message reads as follows:


It turns out that non-US keyboard layouts for xVosXy are easily available.
Download the Freedos KEYB utility (and KEYBOARD.SYS) and put them in a
convenient directory. Then, at the vDosXy command line enter (for example)


This installs the German-language keyboard. The ’/9’ switch is essential, as
the command will have no effect without it.

Dead keys are supported. This should work with more or less any common national


If the /9 switch is not required in other environments for KEYB to work, then there is no need to
use it. But, in my tests, at least, it is required in vDosXy.