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Re: less maladjusted

On 05/22/2012 10:11 PM, Raphael wrote:
how hard can it be to create a launcher object that invokes xdosemu with a dos batchfile & maybe a dosemu config file?? I'd definitely be interested in that utility -- been wanting something to create "drawers" for the Launcher, especially for bash scripts I run frequently.
For a bash script launcher that ends the need to rightclick the desktop, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/35488/what-custom-launchers-and-unity-quicklists-are-available and scroll down to "12 Custom Scripts Quicklist with GUI" -- You don't need to put the files in the locations specified, but if you put them elsewhere you need to edit the locations references in the *.desktop file and in the addscript file. For a custom XyWrite launcher, try this. In gedit, create a file in the folder of your choice called XyWrite.desktop, and put the following text in it: [Desktop Entry] Categories=System;Emulator; Name=XDosEmu Comment=DOS emulator "dosemu" running XyWrite for DOS Exec=dosemu.bin xy Hidden=false Icon=/home/pgl/data/xy4/icons/xy_pencil64-c.xpm Terminal=false StartupWMClass=XDosEmu StartupNotify=true NoDisplay=false Type=Application X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=dosemu.bin Name[en_US]=XyWrite X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=OpenNew; [OpenNew Shortcut Group] Name=New XyWrite Window Exec=dosemu.bin xy OnlyShowIn=Unity Change the "Exec" line to the command you want to use to launch XyWrite; if you use "dosemu" or "xdosemu" to start dosemu, I'd change the "X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain" line to reflect that. Change the "Icon" line to the /path/filename of the icon you wish to use. Everything from "X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=OpenNew;" to the end is designed to launch a new (second, third, etc.) instance of Xy4, so you may not need that, but if you do want this, you may need to edit the "Exec" line appropriately. Logging out and back in may be required to get this to work correctly.
Ubuntu-Tweak has a very nice utility for creating quicklists -- "Quicklists Editor," under Admins/Desktop -- for LibreOffice Writer, it couldn't be much easier: hit the plus sign, give it a name, then fill in the command, eg libreoffice --writer /home/raphael/Documents/LibreOffice/Templates/Fax_Cover.ott
Thanks; hadn't thought of launching a template directly, nor had I used Ubuntu Tweak for this sort of thing.