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Shareware Survey

I quite agree, Ed, and don't particularly mind fully functional software
with a "preface" that requires input before registering (or a delay upon
quitting). As long as I can test the software dress-rehearsal I can
live with reminders (though prefer to circumvent them while testing). I
use a lot of sharware and register almost all of it. A quick perusal of
what I use regularly in this regard:

list      file browser   |  commo     comm pgm
pdaily     Patriquin's    |  dsz      zmodem
        daily events   |  twcalc     RPN and scientific
        processor     |         notation calculator
pcopy     Patriquin's    |  fincalc    financial calc.
        copy program   |  stat      statistical analys.
convert    convert weights  |  searchp    enhance DOS PATH to
        & measures    |         more than EXE, COM,
ample notice  calendar     |         and BAT files
pk/zip/arc   compression-ware |  diredit    custom directory
qedit     editor      |         arranging
dial      DOS phone book  |  zansi.sys   speed screen writes
lpt2dsk    redirect     |  raw.com    works with zansi
        printer output  |  memwalk    search/list memory
textcon    convert ASCII   |  anarkey    command line editor
        files to wps   |  burnout    screen blanker
archive    disk backup    |  emmcache    EMS disk cache
scan      virus watch    |  respond    batch file prompts
maxfind    text/file     |  no       exempt files from
        retriever     |         action
dprint     DOS print pgm   |  rendir     rename directories
qsort     DOS sort pgm   |  input     create environment
mark/release  TSR managers   |         variables
dx       DIR extender   |  stackey    key stuffer
ddir      compare dirs   |  sr       search/replace via
x       library small   |         DOS
        .COM files    |  kbfix     enhance keyboard
global     performs action  |         performance
        across drive   |  was      back-scroller
pklite     file squeezer   |  shez      compression front-
bat2exec    batch file    |         end
        compiler     |  get      test envi. variables

I'm sure I left some out and I see some freeware in the list but most is
shareware and regi$tered.

Well, I won't say "can't do" when it comes to computers but as I too
understand it, batch file utilities (such as keyfake stuffers) won't
work in CONFIG.SYS. However, there are utilities that will load
CONFIG.SYS drivers from DOS instead of from CONFIG.SYS. Under such
circumstances I've been able to thus load the driver via a batch file.
Not all drivers lend themselves to being loaded like that because they
require loading before certain other drivers and/or TSRs, etc.