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Adding frames to U2; Encode/Decode; etc.

Here's a copy of posts between me and Carl Disefano (I had gone against protocol by communicating with him directly--a mistake, for which I apologize) which may help others.
Fred Weiner

Dear Mr. Distefano,

Thank you for your suggestions regarding having styles available on the fly. FISHOUT is a beautiful utility and I have used it to fly fish for styles and boilerplate: a boon. I also want to use the example MYSTYLE frame you sent dedicated to a key in my .KBD, for the experience and learning, but have run into my ignorance about how to incorporate the code into XYWWWEB.U2. Below is the block you sent me (edited a little to reflect my own style preference). I first ran DECODE as you suggested, studied it, then ENCODE to bring it back to the form I imagined would go into .U2. (ENCODE complained with an error message unless I defined the block first: why?):



{{5mystyle}} Insert MYSTYLE "delta" into text







{>}}{{<}}PRNo file{{>}}{002}[cr|lf][cr|lf]-ndXPLeNCODE



What I have attempted to do is to select the block above, CAll XYWWWEB.U2 into the next window, then copy it to a space with carriage returns setting it off from the adjacent frames. I want to put it at the end of the file (before the error trap frame) in a section for my own frames, but have had a problem attempting to move to end-of-file with ctrl-end: I get an error message about not being able to scroll further unless I empty all other active windows first (a memory deficiency?). That removes my ability to copy the selected text, so I have had to copy the block into the beginning, which should be okay as far as testing the frame is concerned.

As well, I don't know whether the XPLcode/XPLencode lines at the beginning and end of the block should be included; I wouldn't think so, as none of the other frames I examine seemed to have it. I'm stalled out here, without having executed LOADHELP , waiting for some guidance before "messing with" the .U2. I know how to dedicate the frame to a key once I get it into .U2 properly.

I apologize for appealing directly to you, as I am sure the procedure is documented somewhere; I can't find it.

Thank you.

Fred Weiner


Reply to note from "Fred Weiner" mailto:fw1948@xxxxxxxx Fri, 26 May 2006

10:04:01 -0700


Fred (may we switch to first names?):


Apologies for the delay in replying to your question. My http://att.net

address is used mainly for commercial purposes, and I don't often

reply to the mail that lands in that inbox. Also, in general, I

prefer that XyWrite-related queries be sent to the public mailing

list, for many reasons. You'll be apt to get a quicker answer,

others will be able to benefit from the answer, the question and

answer will be archived for future reference, etc. etc. That said,

I'll reply privately this time.


> Below is the block you sent me (edited a little to reflect my

> own style preference). I first ran DECODE as you

> suggested, studied it, then ENCODE to bring it back

> to the form I imagined would go into .U2.

It was a mistake to re-ENCODE. The frame goes into U2 in DECODEd

form (native XyWrite). The sole purpose of ENCODEing is to enable

safe transmission over the Internet in the e-mail message body.

XyWrite code contains high-order Ascii characters that do not

transmit reliably via e-mail unless sent as an attachment or

otherwise encoded.


> I want to put it at the end of the file (before the error trap

> frame) in a section for my own frames, but have had a problem

> attempting to move to end-of-file with ctrl-end: I get an error

> message about not being able to scroll further unless I empty

> all other active windows first (a memory deficiency?).

Sounds like OOM (Out Of Memory). Close the other windows, quit and

restart XyWrite, and try again with U2 as the only file open. Also,

make sure that your are opening U2 in eXPanded view (switch /100):




Once you have the frame positioned where you want it, do not SAve

U2! Rather, issue LOADHELP, then ABort U2. (Don't worry,

LOADHELP SAves the file.)


Here is the template again, in case you need it (it was corrupted --

not merely "edited" -- in your message to me):



b-gin [UNTITLED]

{{;5mystyle}} Insert MYSTYLE "delta" into text[cr|lf]{002}{<}






}{<}PRNo file{>}{002}[cr|lf][cr|lf]



To be on the safe side, I'm also attaching the native XyWrite code

as a freestanding file (MYSTYLE.FRM).


Good luck.






Carl Distefano