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HTML and Xywrite

Having used to Xywrite to create numerous Web pages that a UNIX server
sends out to the world and which I had to edit occasionally using either
pico or vi, I have no problems with ^Zs or odd LFs or CRs since I have
(1) modified the strip, ascii and email printer files and (2) used Kermit
to strip any ^Zs at the end of the file.

The ascii, strip and email printer files shipped with Xywrite 4 (and
probably 3) have errors that introduce extraneous LFs into the files.
To correct that shortcoming, simply manually clear what was originally
after the LE< (line ending) and PE< (paragraph ending) commands in the
the printer file and enter what you want to have appear after each line
or paragraph. In the example below, I have indicate CRLF (carriage
return line feed combinations), but one could easily include a 

before or after the CRLF combinations to help HTMLify an existing document. Another necessary change involves the vertical spacing table. Be sure that VU=1,1,100 and VS:1. But be doubly sure that a blank line (no spaces, null characters, LF or CR symbols, other special characters, etc.) follows the VS:1 command. For example, ; PRINTER INFORMATION ; LE< <- add the # of CRLF combinations wanted at each line end (0 to ?) PE< <- add the # of CRLF combinations wanted at each paragraph end (1, 2, ?) FB< FE< PG< ; ; VERTICAL SPACING TABLE ; VU=1,1,100 VS:1 ; End of example One can easily imagine setting up the mode commands, etc. to HMTLify an already formatted document and design a keyboard to help add HTML tags. I could modify my routinues that transform Xywrite tables to tab-delimited data or vice versa to transform Xywrite tables to HTML tables. I was hoping that the HTML addition to MS Word 6 for Windows would magically convert existing Word 6 documents to HTML. Ha! It did a great job of converting acute accented letters. But it did not convert inverted question marks or exclamation marks to &iquest; or &iexcl;. It disappeared included images. It just

 existing tables and
often mangled the data and headings. So I had to load the resulting
HTML file into Xywrite and manually recreate the tables and add the
image references.

Good luck in finding a word processing that would HTMLify an existing
document as well as would Xywrite with a little modification.

Ed Plummer

Intricate Decisions
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