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OFF-TOPIC: re. tendinitis

≪ I've recently re-learned the lesson, acquiring tendinitis
from mouse-bite. ≫ --Wendell Cochran re "kbd diamonds"

What causes RSI is improper wrist positioning, not mice
or keyboards per se. I got it from a keyboard so early that
my right wrist had been in a splint 24 hours a day for
several months before the first stories appeared that
associated the condition with keyboard use. Although I'd
noticed that typing was my most painful activity without
the splint (which forced me to position my hand the right
way), I still hadn't made the connection because I'd already
used computer kbds for several years. What had caused the
damage was the way I'd adjusted to a keyboard with a much
lighter touch than its predecessors.

≪ In addition to aspirin & abstinence I've bought a Cirque
touchpad (magic!) & learned keystroke equivalents for many
mouse motions. ≫

I can position my wrist with my touchpad in a way
guaranteed to produce RSI if I persist. In fact, it seems
easier with my touchpad than with my mouse. If you believe
that using a touchpad in and of itself will prevent
recurrence of your tendinitis, good luck.

≪ Cirque's Web site & 'support' insist that its touchpads
are for the Microsoft stable of operating systems (only),
but at least one model works almost equally well under
Linux. ≫

If a linux driver is important to you, why didn't you buy
a Synaptics? The developer http://www.synaptics.com/
enthusiastically promotes the linux driver that's available
http://www.pdos.lcs.mit.edu/~cananian/Synaptics/ for its

≪ the gods meant fingers to stay close to the home position. ≫

Maybe. They certainly meant wrists to be elevated
with computer input devices. ... Ciao. 			--a

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