----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: setup problem
Maybe someone can help with advice on getting my thing set up.
I'm running xy in a command line on a toshiba laptop with windows xp and I
can play with the xy, but I don't understand windows.
I have two
problems. One is that I have this bar on the right side of my screen -- I
think they call it a scroll bar == that slides down and my command
line disappears. I assume that if I get my window size in windows, and
screen length adjusted right I can solve this, but nother I've tried seems
to work.
the other -- in the cmd window -- what is "buffer size" and
does it make any difference?
One thing I've done recently that
might be of interest to some. Because I like to work with a couple of
screens up at one time I used to "savedef" to a file "tf" from one screen,
then "me tf" to another screen in a different copy of xy. The other day I
got into my keyboard file, (I have a modified version of the NY Times
keyboard) and wrote these it. For the time being they are in the
"Shift+Control" file but I plan to move them to "control+X" and
"control+V" so they will be just like word and test wrangler. I might also
put in a "control+x" to delete selected text.
I'm still hovering
between windows and mac -- the charger on windows laptops offends me
-- but I guess I'll have to ge to windows because the xy program is so
much better than anything else.