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Re: Playing with LaTeX

Many years ago a professor from one of the Ontario universities sent me a floppy disk with a number of LaTeX-related utilities. I used Xy4-DOS as a front-end for LaTeX and altered the keyboard and menus to support basic LaTeX writing. I havent used any of it for a long time now.

XyWrite was and is easily configured to support LaTeX. However, a number of other editors have
distinct advantages for LaTeX: highlighting key LaTeX words and symbols, and highlighting
bracket-pairs when the cursor is on one member of the pair, among other things.

But as we all know, XyWrite is hard to beat for hard-core editing. Carls RCI system strengthens
this even more.

Id really like to see the LaTeX file for RCI.PDF.


> On Jan 29, 2016, at 12:29 PM, Kari Eveli  wrote:
> Carl,
> Wow! This is amazing. There are many possible uses of this intricate system. I am perhaps too lazy to cultivate anything more than the basic search and replace functions that come with Xy, EditPad or some variety of grep. Still, this is an important contribution.
> Given the roots of the program, having Xy as a LaTeX editor is something that could have been a good idea to implement by the Xy copyright holders instead of quitting the scene. Now there is the NB branch, but the Xy branch should have been a back-end for a publishing system, with integrated preview. Lyx and ShareLaTeX come to mind. Xy could have been something similar. There are, of course, makeshift variants of this idea. For example, I use conversion programs to produce XML-type code for online publication. This involves several steps, and is not as easy as it should be.
> Best regards,
> Kari Eveli
> LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)
> lexitec@xxxxxxxx
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