Gladly, Wengier. E-mail me offline so I have your address. Btw, Nota
Bene 3 is a superset of XyWrite 3 (I think XyW 3.57).
At 18.5.16 12:09, you wrote:
>Hi James,
>I have never used Nota Bene 3 before, so I don't have a copy of it.
>If possible, could you please send me a copy of Nota Bene 3 so that
>I can test with it? Thanks!
>On Wednesday, May 18, 2016 11:33 AM, James Woolley
mailto:woolleyj@xxxxxxxx wrote:
>Hi Wengier,
>In vDos-lfn (the 13 May build and at least the last several builds),
>running Nota Bene 3 and Windows 7:
>When I execute Ctrl-Home (to go to the top of the file) or Ctrl-End
>(to go to the bottom of the file), the following keys then do nothing
>the four arrow keys
>These keys can be unfrozen by Esc or any key that adds bytes to the file.
>Ctrl-Home executes the keyboard function "tf" (top of file)
>Ctrl-End executes the keyboard function "bf" (bottom of file)
>If I execute these functions manually (func tf OR func bf), the
>freeze does not occur.
>This problem doesn't happen with vDosXy 1.0. It also doesn't happen
>with other programs, e.g. MS Word, that use the Ctrl-Home and
>Ctrl-End combinations to go to the top or bottom of a file--so I
>don't think this is a problem with my keyboard.
>Can you (or any other vDos-lfn user) see what is going wrong here?
>Many thanks.