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Re: Unix and XyWrite and whatnot

Stephen asked:

> How on earth did you get the BeOS to boot on a G3? Be, Inc. claims it
> can't be done because Apple won't give them the specs.

    No, you need to read it a little more closely. They say they
can't support it. They also hint very strongly that it does work (as it
obviously does) but no guarantees. The real threat is for the future.
I'm not sure why Apple is taking this stance, unless they see BeOS as a
threat to Rhapsody?? Or if there were some nasty words in the past when
Apple was courting Be, then rejected them???

> Also, have you tried running Xy under a DOS emulator for the BeOS?
      Don't know of any. Just got BeOS a week or so ago, haven't
done much with it except install it and poke around a bit. It's neat. Be
neater if it ran Mac apps.

Harmon Seaver hseaver@xxxxxxxx
All is impermanent, but this too shall pass away, and the way of the
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