I have N.B. 3 on a Win2000 system with MS Virtual PC. Easy to switch to full screen if needed. Full access to Win hard disks with MS Virtual Machine additions. It was not very easy to set up, but works quite nicely. And it is freeware. Best regards, Kari Eveli LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland) lexitec@xxxxxxxx *** Lexitec Online *** English summary of our services: http://www.lexitec.fi/sitesummary.html FileOpen-based ebook packaging and support: http://www.lexitec.fi/fileopen.html Acrobat Reader Treasure Trove: http://www.lexitec.fi/acrobat-reader.html English-Finnish-English Computer Terms: http://www.lexitec.fi/glossary.html Home page (in Finnish): http://www.lexitec.fi/