** Reply to message from L Andersonon Mon, 27 Jan 2003 00:53:37 -0800 Lowell Anderson's suggestion sounds intrinsically interesting as programming; but you can accomplish the truncation or sorting you require easily without leaving XyWrite. First of all, before you start programming, if "the reason is that I want to sort them and find the unique journal abbreviations", why not simply use the native SORT command -- without truncating anything? It works perfectly for me, using your three samples. If however you really must truncate, then put your cursor above the first line you want to sort, and try this (also attached as a freestanding PM) -- which prepares everything for a manual SORT operation (you can adjust the amount of text retained on each line, currently 50, to any preferred value -- find the "+50" in the PM and change it): XPLeNCODE v2.0 b-gin [UNTITLED] [XH_][YD_][XD_][XP_][GT_][BX_]es 1[Q2_]{<}SX01,{<}CP{>}{>}{<} LBA{>}[BX_]ci [wC][wC] [wC][Q2_]{<}IF@NOT({<}ER{>}){>}{<}GLA {>}{<}EI{>}{<}LBB{>}[BX_]se [wC][Q2_]{<}IF@NOT({<}ER{>}){>}{ <}SX50,{<}CP{>}+50{>}[JM_]2.ReJuMP[Q2_][DF_][BX_]se/f [wC][Q 2_]{<}IF{<}ER{>}{>}[BF_][cr|lf]{<}EI{>}[DF_][DN_]{<}GLB{>}{<} EI{>}{<}SX50,{<}IS01{>}{>}[JM_]2.ReJuMP[Q2_]{<}PRDone{>}{<}EX {>} -nd XPLeNCODE ----------------------------- Robert Holmgren holmgren@xxxxxxxx ----------------------------- Attachment: tmp2m.tmp
Description: Binary data