Carl Distefano wrote:Reply to note from "M.C."Fri, 21 Jan 2005 16:19:00 +0100 If frame DF works for you, go with it. On the other hand, if you like DEF (aside from the auto-extend feature), there are workarounds. For example, you could add some code to your key assignment to cancel any existing DeFine if (and only if) the cursor is outside of the DF block, and then call DEF. It works perfectly.No hesitation at all. Anyhow, I put the modification in a U2 frame. It seems more elegant. So, now I am using DEF via F3 key and DEF2 via Shift+arrows. Thank you very much. The inconvenience was gone and it was replaced with an enhancement.Depending on your processor speed, you might experience a fleeting hesitation before Editor responds to this keystroke. If this bothers you, you can put the modification in a U2 frame.Manuel Castelao