Concerning the Wikipedia article, maybe some of the more knowledgeable
people on this list could work on a new XYWrite article off list, and
consult the list if they run into a problem? Once completed, the product
could be copied to the Wikipedia site. Would that not be a way of
correcting that anaemic entry on Wikipedia? Of course, the new entry
would be subject to change by the Wikipedia regulars, but if this list
keeps an eye on things, even these changes could be filtered.
M.W. Poirier
On Sat, 14 Jun 2008, Carl Distefano wrote:
Reply to note from "Patricia M. Godfrey" Sat,
14 Jun 2008 14:28:50 -0400
Stuff cut out.
Anyway... to go back on topic, I have a vague recollection that the
Wikipedia article on XyWrite used to read a lot better than it does
now. I'd love to see it revamped, and I wish I had time to
contribute to that effort. But, for the forseeable future, I don't.
Carl Distefano